Visitation on 3 July 2021 at Ban Makok


Every visitation Fr.Giovanni and Mrs.Kanjana will blessing for the poor to encourage them keep living and having stronger mind.

Mr.Joe and his family joining to be a volunteers with us today, he also give a bag of rice to the poor. This old lady just come back from eyes surgery.

Two old ladies, they have no job,their house quite dilapidated. We give them 20,000 Baht for filling the land to build a new house.
She has ho job because health problems, we also help her son, first time that we met him, he can't walk but now he can work and stronger.

Old poor woman lives with her granchild, she to old to work, she only got money for living from government welfare 800 Bath/Month.
This old man have a mental problem but he takes good care of his mother until the end of her life. (His mother is disable)

We always take a set of stationary and some snacks  to children (The sationary we got from Art Gallery which donated from devotee).
Thank you to everyone who joined in volunteering this time.